Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Greyson 16 months (in pictures)

Greyson is 16 months old today! He has reached this mile stone with  much to celebrate!
He has a mouth full of teeth and is breaking in some new ones - molars!
He can walk and run very well now!
He has quite the vocabulary - at his pediatrician visit the doctor asked if he knew at least three words...oh he knows alot more than that!
He is stacking his blocks. Pays attention (most times) when a book is read to him.
He likes the movie 'Cars'.
He recalls things that happened to when Mimi tells him the story of how the duck bit his ear at St. Simons, he starts acting out the story before she can finish telling it!
He is still Mama's boy, not wanting her out of his sight for very long at all!
He enjoys playing (and fighting) with his cousins.
Greyson says. . . you've got to excercise to stay healthy!

Greyson says...You've got to keep up with
what's going on in the world!

Greyson should be very expressive when telling
 a story! (It makes it more interesting!)
Greyson says...if you think someone's shoes are too big to fill,
you may be right, but try any ways!

Greyson says...You gotta take time to do something for play with your toys. It will make you happy!

If you ask Greyson if he wants a baby brother, he shakes his head no. Never the less, he is getting one in less than 2 months! Soon there will be pictures of his baby brother! So check back soon!

Greyson 15 months (in pictures)

Greyson is really getting to be a BIG boy! He is learning more and more each day!
Playing with connect blocks.

Digging in the toy box at Mimi's house.

Playing with wooden blocks.

Snoozing in the car.

Greyson watching Elmo...Sam watching Greyson!