Thursday, October 1, 2009

Time Gobblers

Every day, I deal with time gobblers. Those little things that eat up the minutes, the hours, the day...leaving me feeling like I got nothing accomplished.

In the mornings there are things like indecisiveness on what to wear to work, bad hair days where I have to re-wet my hair and start all over, mornings when I need to check the Internet before leaving the house. You know, just in case I got a VERY IMPORTANT email overnight. Minutes are gobbled up...sometimes causing me to run late for work.

At work, little time gobblers sneak in in the form of co-workers stopping by to say hi, making coffee because the primary office coffee drinker/maker has stopped drinking coffee, and therefore has stopped making coffee, the need to go to the bathroom, the need to stop everything and look for a lost citation, the need to check my emails (work and personal), just in case I got a VERY IMPORTANT email since this morning...and since I checked it at work the last time. Minutes are gulped and swallowed but my, how it makes the day pass by more easily.

On the way home, minutes are devoured by the need to stop by the grocery store for bread, diet coke or blueberries; things me or Courage cannot live without. Sometimes minutes are chewed away by a gas station stop or movie drop or movie pick - up or fast food run. Oh, don't even think about the time consumed when one must stop and go inside the Walmart. Thank the Lord, they do not have computer stations set up at Walmart, Kroger or Quick Trip.

Finally, at home, when the house needs my attention, dinner is waiting to be prepared, clothes are piling up... I must take a few 'minutes' to check Face Book, my Blogs, and email. I also have to see what other people have written on their blogs, see what pictures People has posted of my favorite stars, and see what kind of rudeness Perez Hilton has dished out for the day. I need to check my checking account, pay a bill or two on-line, check the t.v. guide to see what is on tonight. Next thing I know, the minutes turn into hours, and it's time to go to bed. The minutes are gone by way of wireless Internet.

I yell up stairs to Courage to please bring down her dirty laundry or some other mundane chore, and she yells back 'In a Minute'.

Sorry, I have no minutes. My laptop ate them all.

1 comment:

DD said...

I've been trying to just look at Facebook on the weekends! I often think about going technology free for a week or two, but customers email me and so I must check email.