Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Greyson (Month Two) in Pictures

Month Two has been an exciting month! Greyson has gained weight and is growing, growing, growing! His Mommy has had to pack away the Birth-to-Newborn size clothing and now he is wearing 3 month size! He is taking both breast milk and formula. He likes to eat ALL the time!

Taking a little snooze.

Riding in the car...a new experience!

Beginning to make cooing sounds!

Giving Mommy a little break.

Still love that paci!

I love attention!

I'm handsome and I know it!

I love to imitate you!

Things that happened in month two:

*My neck muscles are getting stronger.
*I'm eating more at each feeding.
*I had my first visit from Aunt J.J.
*I've shown Mommy and Daddy who's the boss of this house!
*I have been smiling alot!

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