Monday, January 2, 2012

Hair 2012

Last January, I did a post called Hair 2011. My daughters had a blast with it! They laughed and gave (constructive?) criticism. So, here is another 'year in hair'. I don't think it is much better than 2010. Okay girls....lets have it!!!!

January...The 'do' is grown out and shaggy.

February...with a trim and the use of hairdryers and flat irons, the look is still grown out, but sleeker.

Mid-February...Flatiron the whole hair, and then tease the top! Wahlah...The Rod Stewart look!

March found my hair a bit 'fluffier'.

Not too much change in April.
May...the hair is pitiful! Outgrown and Out of Control!

Early June...long and curly-ish. Looks ok when you take some time to style it.
Late June...time to go short and sassy again!  

July ... short hair is easier to fix!

August...not much change!

September...It's hard to get a good cut these days!

October...kept it short and sweet for my cruise to the Bahamas!

November...Ahhhh! Giving thanks for the inverted bob, it serves me well!

December...ending the year with short!

So what do you think girls??? Short is better? Longer is better? Which is more flattering for me...straight or curly? I know my daughters will let me know!


Anonymous said...

Love it- love amber b

Carolyn Chapple said...

Thanks! (;