Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Eleven months later

Wow! I started my blog in July 2007, then got busy and basically forgot about it! But oh! How things have changed in eleven months! On October 1st, the company I worked for moved from an old, historical, turn of the century, rat infested office in down-town Duluth, to a modern, spacious, beautiful office suite in Suwanee. By January 2008, the bad housing market (and all that came with it) trickled down to our business (land design) and it started out with laying off a person here, cutting salaries there, and so by April 1st, I was jobless. (Happy April's Fool Day!!!!) I joined the ranks of the unemployed of the U.S., getting an unemployment check 1/4 the size of my earned income. The layoff didn't come as a shock, and forgive me, but, I am enjoying the time off! I get to do things I haven't been able to do...stay up super late and watch late-night T.V. stuff. Sleep late (yeah, 7:00am is late to me) and do home repair/improvement projects with leisure, take day trips with my daughter and almost daughter, and various other things I typically haven't time to do. I am still taking on-line classes at Georgia Perimeter College and I am about 1/2 way to earning my associates degree in business admin. I am so excited! I am an A/B student and I love the learning! My youngest daughter is a freshman in college this year and it is fun to compare notes and compare the on campus experience to the on line experience. My oldest daughter (known as Arthur for this Blog) just bought her first home, by herself, and I am so proud of her. You will soon learn, I adore my kids and I will make you sick of hearing about them. I try not to live my life through my kids, but it's hard not to sometimes. Even though I have a blessed life and wouldn't trade it for anything, I also love sharing in theirs and being a part of theirs. Their lives and their experiences enrich mine because they include me in most everything and I am especially blessed to have such a close relationship with each of them.

Other things going on in my life...spending more time with the Hubster. He works late and therefore, sleeps late. I tip-toe around the house till he gets up and then I can really get moving! I think he enjoys having me home because I've been painting, cleaning more and better, helping organize the basement, and I am a spare pair of hands when he needs help lifting, carrying, etc. He has a lot of stress on him because he is caring for his elderly father, who is 90 this year and still lives home alone! His mind is still going strong, but his body is small and frail. Hubster goes over everyday to make sure he eats and is up and about, then goes back in the evenings to 'tuck him in bed'...really I think to make sure he gets to bed and to help alleviate the loneliness his dad must feel after losing his wife 16 months ago. Hubster is ever so gentle with him. As he is with everyone, unless you cross him. He is the most generous man I've ever known in my life.

I need to pack for a trip me and the youngest daughter (known as Courage for this blog) are taking...we are driving to Jacksonville, NC, to see her boyfriend who is stationed at Fort Lajeune. We are hoping it is a few degrees cooler there, and hoping to see some beach/ocean. Keep us in prayer for travel mercies!


Anonymous said...

Nice blog, maybe I can keep up with you and Arthur and Courage that way. haha. Stay safe on your trip and keep me updated on the school/job/life.
My job is going really well. I found out yesterday I get to go to Philly for 5 days!

Theresa Coleman said...

Wow! I am SO GLAD to hear from you.
I miss you (and a few others) so very much.

Love and hugs.

Oh, and I have TWO churches in Oglethorpe county. 60 miles one way. It's going to be an adventure.