Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Greyson (Month Four) In Pictures

Greyson has had a fun-filled fourth month! He has come to visit his family in North Georgia, he has been to church a few times, and gone to Westville Village (recreated 1800's village in South Georgia). He can hold his head up really good now, hold him self up on his arms when laying belly down, and has started rolling over. He has discovered his voice and loves 'talking' and 'squealing'. He is so pleasant natured, always smiling, laughing and cooing. Unless he's hungry or has a soiled diaper of course! 

Greyson is holding toys, examining them, and of course, tasting them!

At four months, he is more sociable...engaging eye contact longer...

And growing like a weed!

He has discovered he has a voice and loves to coo and squeal!

He is working on his arm and neck strength!

Everything is funny!

Finally, bath time is fun time!

He still sleeps in his bumsey (spelling?) and we can judge how much he's grown by seeing past pictures of him sleeping in it.

1 comment:

Amber said...

Bummzie- close enough! He is growing so fast!!! He is such a sweet boy! I love him so much