Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Animated Sci-Fi - gets a thumbs up!!!

What do you get when you mate ET with R2D2? WALL-E!!!!!!!!! The Hubster and I took in the movie WALL-E last night. The theater was empty except for one other couple and one lone woman. So nice! No seat kickers. No teens texting during the movie. No babies crying. It was awesome! The Hubster and I are self-proclaimed overgrown kids (but we don't kick seats, text during movies or cry...not out loud anyways) and we loved WALL-E; he is adorable. He has a 'head' reminiscent of ET (with some amazingly similar vocals) and a body similar to that of R2D2 (and beeps and whistles like him too!). He has some packrat tendencies and a tender heart (powersource???) . The funniest characters are the humans who are hovering-lounge-chair-bound blobs (due to obeseness and diminishing bone structure due to lack of excercise) who wear StarTrek-like jumpsuits. Those characters helped me remember my Weight Watchers limit...about a cup and half of popcorn (no butter) and 6 peanut M&M's. That was plenty. (The good thing about being on WW is that after two weeks your stomache shrinks dramitically and reduced amounts of any treat can be satisfying!).

Back to the movie...WALL-E falls in love with Eve, who reminded me of a sleeker, quieter, less matronly Rosie (from The Jetsons). The corriders of speeding robots and hovering lounge chairs reminds me of the traffic in one scene of The Fifth Element. Cute movie, a bit long for animation, okay for little kids (wonderful animation, no bad words, no blood or guts, some giggles) and big kids and adults can enjoy also (wonderful animation, glimpses into the future, message about taking care of earth and ourselves, and a love story) - which is a Pixar trademark. It has elements of many of my favorite sci-fi movies, that's an extra! I give it a thumbs up.

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