Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Doing the Happy Jig!

Me and Arthur are doing the Happy Jig tonight! We attended our WW meeting and Arthur has lost a total of 9 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have lost a total of 4.2 lbs and I am shocked! I wasn't sure I did so well this week, but I did pick up my intensity in jogging and walking. I drank more water. But I still ate! Smaller portions are key. Adding more exercise helps too. Just little things like lifting dumbbells and doing some sit ups. Parking a good ways from the grocery store is another small way to add some steps. A BIG change I have made is I eat breakfast even if I am not hungry. The rest of the day, I eat when I actually feel hunger pangs. And if I feel hungry at bedtime, I have a little snack and a glass of water. All these LITTLE changes are making a difference for me.

Arthur says the hardest thing to give up is sweet tea, but she has done it! And she has cut back on the creamer in her coffee. She orders WW meals from Applebees and keeps up with her points in a food journal. She eats better, but she still allows herself to have a 'treat' nearly every day. Obviously, these small things are working for her too! Nine pounds in 3 weeks is awesome!

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