Saturday, September 6, 2008

I got the blues...

I got the blues, because I don't have time to read blogs or write new posts for my own blog. I am bogged down in school work, planning the Itty Bitty Church's very first community function- Trunk or Treat, and a score of other things that are all fighting for quality time in my mind. I keep telling myself that TOMORROW I will have more time to....AAAAGGGGHHHH! The list is long:

1. School Work
2. Plan Itty Bitty Church's Trunk or Treat
3. Plan next ladies church meeting at Itty Bitty Church
4. Pray for people on several different prayer lists
5. Keep a check on my mama who's been having some health issues
6. Keep a check on the Hubster's daddy who is having some health issues
7. Keep a check on various other relatives and friends who have issues in general
8. Excercise a wee bit each day to keep sanity
9. Cook and Clean
10. Plan fall Girl Cousins trip to mountains
11. Plan Arthur's birthday outting
12. Read the Bible or other literature that keeps me walking near God

I know something is left off the list. One of those somethings will pop up while I am working on any item, #1 through #12, get me sidetracked and drive me closer to the brink of a breakdown! Ha! But it's all good. Tomorrow I will have more time.


Theresa Coleman said...

I understand how it is.
I miss you! Prayers your way.

Carolyn Chapple said...

I miss you too Reverand Mommy! I also miss the fun we used to have in choir practice. Itty Bitty Church doesn't have a choir yet. But we're working on it...we do have a pianist now. That's a beginning. (And of course we have our Violinist).