Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Weight Update!

Last night was WW...and even though Arthur and I have slowed down a little, we are still pluggin' along.

Arthur lost another .8 lb. for a total of 18.2 lbs!!!!!!! She is very, very, near her 10% of body weight lost goal. Me, I lost another .6 lbs for a total of 7.8 lbs lost. We have both vowed to include more exercise in our weeks, and started out with an hour long walk tonight.

Anyone who has ever been on a weight loss plan, or has tried to kick a habit of any kind, understands how hard it is to give up food, cigarettes, alcohol, blogging....(wink)....whatever the addiction. No, I don't need to lose a big bunch of weight, but I do have a muffin top that spills over the top of my pants (though not as bad as it has been!) and I suffer from SEVERE esophageal reflux disease. WW has improved my quality of life so much, because I now do not have nighttime episodes with my disease! This improvement came within the first week of doing WW. So even when I meet my weight loss goal, I intend to maintain with WW because the improvements in my health outweigh the temporary satisfaction I get from gorging on food. I thank God that I have in me a determination to HELP MYSELF and I thank God for support groups such as WW that encourage me and teach me to eat right.

Let me also tell you...seeing Arthur lose weight too, is so uplifting and hope-giving to me. She needed to lose weight to improve her health, and for whatever her motivations are, I thank God for them, because not only does she LOOK BETTER, she is doing something that will help her not develop diabetes, heart disease, breast cancer, etc., etc., etc.! And as she sheds the pounds, she sheds some insecurities and stigmas. She gains self appreciation and the encouragement of others. She has a good person in her life who compliments her for losing weight and getting healthier and I appreciate God for him.

Courage is younger and thinner and taller. She does not need to lose weight. However; she is eating very closely a WW diet (WW doesn't call it a 'diet', they call it a 'way of life') because she is very health conscious, too. She is not trying to lose weight, she is trying to keep from gaining the 'Freshman Fifteen'! And WW is helping her to keep those extra pounds off! Also, her BF is a Marine and she is determined to not let him have the better body! Ha! (At least not too much better!)

May God bless you if you are trying to beat a bad habit this day! Thank God if you have the ability to exercise. And then do it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep it up! You can do it! Just think how great it will be when and if you can get so you never have that reflux pain again! I know what that is like and it is awful!